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  1. World of Warcraft Private Servers

    I will be paying for it again in a few weeks, bit short of cash lately. Just wanted a private server to try out in the meantime. Thanks anyway all.
  2. World of Warcraft Private Servers

    Does anyone know for any World Of Warcraft private servers? If so, could you post a link to a forum for it or something? Thanks
  3. wohoo GuildWars

    I bought guildwars a while ago and I think that although its not the best MMORPG around, it is okay, and the graphics are pretty good. I've hit level 20, but I still have a fight or two every now and again with my PVP only character. tbh though I 100% agree with lozmuir, Play guildwars untill...
  4. I am bored, aren't you?

    Yeh i joined WoW for a good while, but I never completely left mir.
  5. help with stuff in server Just thought I'd add this link, tis an all-in-one guide, if you need more help then that should contain the information you need :)
  6. Just a thought

    Most people don't tend to like the same kind of servers, some people like PVP, others like low exp, others like high exp, and high stats items, etc. I don't know if this has been done before, but what if someone were to make 2 servers, 1 made for low exp, rare items, etc, for normal play, and...
  7. I am bored, aren't you?

    Yeh sometimes mir can get a little boring, most servers now are too repetitive for me, but i luuuuurve mir, so i keep playing :P also, i moved to Olymp mir 3 a while ago, and i have never played 3 before, so its a new experience for me, which is fun ^_^
  8. Trap Hex Broken...

    awesome m8, thanks alot ^_^
  9. Trap Hex Broken...

    ahh n1, that did the trick :P btw, what hex editor do you recommend?
  10. Trap Hex Broken...

    Trap hex does not work when mob name targetted, could someone help plz?
  11. Stylized.

    ahh #2 is awesome, mmmm #2.....
  12. are these any good?

    Yeh i think sample 4 rocks tbh, nice job
  13. bleh

    It's cool, but I think it could do with a little spicing up, i'd give it 5 or 6 outta 10 mate, good work though :)
  14. SuperMir wooooooot?

    hmm me thinks i'll start downloading it now :P
  15. Mob With T-Bolt

    those mobs look pretty good
  16. fav musiak

    I like all music really, except for StoneBridge, bleargh. I'm listening to MachineHead and SOAD alot lately.
  17. Insan Kingroom - Created by me.

    ooo nice map, should make for some good huntage :D
  18. The most underrated game of all time.

    Altered beast for me I think, used to lurve that game.
  19. Amg Amg I R Went Back To Skool

    i think its pretty good, writing could be a tiny bit more clear but its still pretty funky :P
  20. StarLite Server

    Server sounds good, I may join it in a little while, bit busy lately though